A Day in the Life: An Elder on a Fixed Income Fighting Hunter & Balancing Needs
(Editor’s Note: The following is the fourth in a 5-part series on the Faces of Hunger in Western New York. In 2024, Olean Food Pantry compiled a media campaign highlighting the varied struggles with food insecurity in our communities. The following is a more detailed peek into the life of an elder on a fixed income. While we would never directly identify pantry clients without their permission, we often see several hunger archetypes on distribution days.)
Her grandkids stayed over last night. What a cherished treat! Her son and daughter-in-law don’t often get to sneak away for a date night. Money is tight for everyone – herself included – although she worries for everyone else first.
She’s up before dawn, her natural circadian rhythm unchanged even by the last seven years of retirement. The world outside is quiet, except for the occasional bird chirping. Seated in her favorite chair by the window, she watches the sun rise, casting warm light over a lifetime’s worth of memories: photographs of loved ones, small trinkets collected over decades, and some beautiful landscapes painted by her late husband.
Yet, alongside these cherished items sits a stark reminder of their current reality: a stack of unpaid bills and an envelope marked “final notice.” The kids will wake soon. She knows they’ll be hungry for breakfast, but she’s embarrassed that there’s not much in the cupboard they would enjoy.
If they only understood, she thinks.
Hunger Affects the Elderly More Than We Know
This is the life of the senior citizen on a fixed income. She worked hard their entire life, planned for retirement, but now finds herself stretched to the breaking point by rising costs and limited resources.
Morning: Careful Choices & Lingering Memories
The day begins with a simple breakfast: a slice of toast and a small cup of tea. There’s a small amount of cereal in the cupboards for the grandkids. There’s no butter for the toast; it’s too expensive this month.
As the kids finish eating, her thoughts wander to better days — Sunday mornings with her husband, big family breakfasts, the smell of fresh-baked muffins wafting through the house.
Today’s breakfast is modest but sufficient, thanks to Olean Food Pantry. The pantry’s shelves have been a lifeline, filling gaps that Social Security and careful budgeting cannot. But even with the pantry’s help, there’s a constant weighing of options: Will this food last? Can I make it stretch until the next pantry visit?
Before leaving the table, the elder on a fixed income meticulously measures out her medication for the week. This, too, is a balancing act. High prescription costs have forced difficult decisions: cutting pills in half, skipping doses or sacrificing other necessities to afford them.
Midday: The Silent Struggles of Hunger
The morning is spent tending to small tasks around the house — folding laundry, organizing cabinets and calling her sisters. But even these simple activities require frequent breaks. Hunger has a way of draining energy, leaving this grandmother feeling faint and fatigued.
By noon, it’s time for lunch. She warms up a can of soup with a slice of bread. There’s no dessert, but the warmth of the soup brings comfort. Still, she feels a twinge of sadness knowing she can’t invite a neighbor over for coffee or lunch as she once did. The budget doesn’t allow for extras, and she worries about the stigma of admitting they need help.
Afternoon: Errands and Hard Realities
This elder on a fixed income heads out in the afternoon, careful to combine errands into one trip to save gas. First stop: the pharmacy, where she’ll pick up a generic prescription and silently wish she could afford the brand-name medication their doctor recommended. Next, the grocery store, where she’ll carefully compare prices to seek out sale items supplementing Olean Food Pantry’s healthy provisions.
The store visit is bittersweet. The grandmother passes by favorite foods she can no longer afford — fresh berries, cuts of meat, even a small cake for a special occasion. These are luxuries now, reserved for memories rather than meals.
As she loads her small haul into the car, she feels the ache of loneliness. She used to handle the grocery shopping with her late husband, turning it into an adventure rather than a chore. Now, the quiet hum of the car engine is the only sound on the drive home.
Evening: Stretching the Day’s Last Resources
Dinner is a simple affair, just enough to stave off the hunger. She carefully portions out a casserole made earlier in the week, adding a side of canned vegetables to ensure there’s a hint of color on the plate.
After dinner, she settles into their favorite chair and flips through the local newspaper. The headlines speak of rising costs and economic uncertainty. “You aren’t kidding,” she says to herself. The television stays off tonight to save electricity. She reads until her eyes grow heavy.
A Reflection of Resilience
Before heading to bed, this senior citizen fighting hunger pauses to reflect on the day. Despite the challenges, she feels grateful for the support she’s received, food from the local food pantry, kind words from neighbors, and the resilience that has carried her through decades of life’s ups and downs.
But she also feels the weight of the future. How much longer can she stretch her resources? How many more sacrifices must she make? Her kids and grandkids are worth it, but she and her late husband never anticipated it could get this tough as they navigated long careers and saved for what should’ve been a bright future.
At least he’s in a better place, she thinks.
A Call to Compassion: Too Many Elders Experience Food Insecurity
The elder’s story is not unique. Across Western New York, countless seniors face the same heartbreaking choices between food and medicine, warmth and sustenance, pride and survival. But the food insecurity problem spans all ages and walks of life, leaving many wondering when fighting hunger will be a priority here for people in power.
At Olean Food Pantry, we believe our senior citizens deserve more. They’ve spent their lives contributing to our community, and now it’s our turn to give back. With your support, we can ensure that every senior has access to nutritious food, a warm meal and the dignity they so deeply deserve.
Your donation today is greatly appreciated!
A Day in the Life: A Resilient Mother Battling Hunger with Strength & Love
A Day in the Life: A Recovering Addict Fighting Hunger, Finding Hope
A Day in the Life: The Individual with Disabilities Battling Hunger in the Shadows
A Day in the Life: An Elder on a Fixed Income Fighting Hunger & Balancing Needs
A Day in the Life: A Job Seeker Navigating Hunger & Hope